Sunday, December 4, 2022

Beneath clouds essay

Beneath clouds essay

beneath clouds essay

WebBeneath Clouds Essay - AOS Belonging English (Advanced) #IvanSen #Vaughn #Lena #BeneathClouds #Films #Belongingness #IvanSen #CinemaOfAustralia 3 Pages • WebIn Ivan Sen's "Beneath Clouds" the search of belonging is explored in the story of two teenagers in rural Australia. "Beneath Clouds" is about two teenagers who meet up on Web22/11/ · The opening scene of Beneath Clouds begins with sombre, uplifting music mirrored with a panning shot of the ethereal clouds. We are then introduced to Lena’s

Beneath Clouds |

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. Opening credits: Images of rolling clouds, vast and immense, threatening and powerful. The only colour and movement comes from the trucks that roar through. Isolated, Aboriginal community. Stereotypical image of addiction. Connection between the character and the butterfly is made — both are beautiful creatures but neither are able to flourish in such an environment. Also points to the unforgiving landscape they beneath clouds essay. This reflective moment is interrupted by another passing truck.

She will get out before she too becomes like the butterfly. Her use of profane language confirms her attitude toward this place. Lena does not follow — this is indicative of the choices the girls will make for their lives. Lena witnesses her brother being led away by the police. Medium shot of mother at kitchen table, with long neck beer bottles surrounding her and in the background the dog racing plays on the television, beneath clouds essay, suggesting a home environment that is polluted with addiction, alcoholism, unemployment and gambling. Recognition that all life holds for her in this place is pregnancy, crime and addiction.

The tidiness of the space juxtaposes the chaos of the rest of the house. An angry, aboriginal teen imprisoned in beneath clouds essay juvenile detention centre. Responds aggressively to another inmate, but there is the suggestion that there is something more to this youth that trouble and violence. Emphasis of his confinement and entrapment. Their exchange is cool and devoid of emotion. Declares no sympathy for his mother. Misses bus, Vaughn arrives stowaway in a milk delivery van — fate??? Maybe Lena would not have continued on, but with him she feels more confident. They are two small figures on the road. Yet, they are dressed similarly and costuming has been used to imply that they will find some common ground as the film continues.

Not so different after all. The half-caste issue. She denies her Aboriginality and in doing so, a shameful connection to Aboriginal ways is cast. She is choosing to ignore that part of her self. Immediate kinship expressed through colloquial language. White is indicative of innocence and purity. Another thing destroyed. An allusion to the African slave term and reflection of inherent racism. The generic title removes the individuality of the driver. An assertion of power. She has a toddler on her lap. This scene seems to highlight the negative aspects of Aboriginal culture — that is, the subordination of women and beneath clouds essay of domestic violence. Quiet acceptance of such exchanges. Until two beneath clouds essay looking, white men stop and offer Lena a lift.

Beneath clouds essay declines but they attack her, attempt to grab her bag and pull her into the car. Saves the day. Camera switches to a high angle shot of both in the left hand foreground, beneath clouds essay, the road and their gaze acts as a vector toward the future — the journey they are on together, now as equals. For the first time, they are empowered by the shot. Beneath clouds essay confiding takes place. Vaughn talks about prison and Lena is not impressed by this. But these questions challenge Vaughn and through then he is encouraged to think more pensively about his life, the direction it is taking and his role in his future.

It is an odd scene and the cat seems unnaturally out of place in the environment, beneath clouds essay. Witness the propensity for Vaughn to adopt an aggressive and combative stance. Racial tension is once again noted. Allusion to the past again. Vaughn is stereotypical and Lena is not, beneath clouds essay. She encourages him to question the choices he has made in his life. She looks toward the future, whilst he dwells more on the past injustices and uses these as an excuse for his current situation. The natural versus the man made. Symbolic of her connection to Irish heritage. An outward sign of her identity. Lena has hope and a work ethic, whereas Vaughn is comparatively defeated and disinterested.

All them words and shit. This is quite an important scene, particularly for Vaughn who had never thought about such things before. Issues of land ownership, cultural decline and race relations are raised. Both look on in silence, beneath clouds essay. This is the third image like this and the animals have grown in size each time. More grotesque and inhumane deaths depicted each time, beneath clouds essay. The cockatoo and the fox are both very unnatural images — they have been destroyed and desecrated by the intervention of man. Sacred place? Prompts a theological discussion. The indigenous and the European in harmonious union — suggestion that there is potential for a more peaceful future. High angle shot of its head and one dark brown eye behind bars as Vaughn looks up at it.

None of the men in the pub detect her Aboriginal heritage, as made evident through their changed reaction to Vaughn as he enters. His anger is growing again. At this, he drops the rock and that action is a symbolic gesture which implies that he is ready to choose a different beneath clouds essay one other than violence and vandalism. Well dressed and the extreme close up of the Mercedes badge on his car symbolizes his wealth. Lena looks from the photo of her father, to the scenery outside. Fog rolls over the green landscape outside and mirrors the same foggy setting captured in the photo. Different but same — perhaps she will find her identity in this place after all.

Her closing of the album is a symbolic gesture that indicates her readiness to part with the past, and move forward independently. Ready to own up to her Aboriginality now. The car is a safe environment for them. The lift is a kind beneath clouds essay and though no dialogue between driver and passengers is exchanged at its conclusion, the silence and the smiles that Vaughn and the man give one another reflect the potential for healing. But that will only happen if both black and white change the ways they interact. Wide and high angle shots capture the awesomeness of their mountain surroundings. The diversity of the landscape is revealed. Quiet, beneath clouds essay, older woman in back. Second submissive female. Looks up at the mountain, non-diegetic music plays again and the camera cuts to the road ahead, panning to show a factory admist the bush setting.

Pollution of the natural environment and juxtaposition with the natural beauty and wonder of the rocky mountain face, beneath clouds essay. Invasion of the land. They are obviously unemployed and one has a gun in his possession, beneath clouds essay. Symbols of rebellion, crime and violence. Know that they are entering a corrupt and violent world. The 2Pac image is realised and viewers begin to understand the pull of those factors which have influenced Vaughn and led to his current situation, beneath clouds essay. Same as above. Finally, Vaughn is made aware of her true ancestry. It is quite significant that the only person to have detected her race is an elder — all the other Aboriginal characters completely miss it.

Drugs are thrown from the car — insinuation of addiction once more. Angry black men versus arrogant white men in a position of power. And the first acts of violence are white on black, beneath clouds essay. The officer pauses for this white girl and Vaughn strikes him.

Beneath Clouds VS Inheritance 3: Plot

, time: 5:59

beneath clouds essay

Web1/06/ · Beneath Clouds Speech – the Persona of Lena. Mr Teacher was kind enough to invite me here today to inform you of my journey to discover my personal identity and all WebIn Ivan Sen's "Beneath Clouds" the search of belonging is explored in the story of two teenagers in rural Australia. "Beneath Clouds" is about two teenagers who meet up on WebSen allows you to venture onto a journey re-discovering the magnificence of Australia’s colonised land by displaying rich images depicting the importance of one acknowledging

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